Duux – Street Marketing
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Organizing a street marketing operation in Paris on Valentine’s DayApproach :
Helping Duux by planning the route and offering operational supportResults :
Distributed over 100 flyers at iconic Parisian landmarks and generated a significant surge in site traffic for Duux
Duux, a Dutch air treatment company, wished to boost its visibility among French consumers. To mark Valentine’s Day, it planned a street marketing op in Paris—widely regarded as the city of love.
The idea was to hand out promotional flyers at iconic Parisian landmarks, and Duux turned to OneChocolate for support in making the event happen.
OneChocolate created a detailed route covering landmarks like the Trocadéro Esplanade, the Arc de Triomphe, the Champs-Élysées, and the area outside the Forum des Halles. First, the team checked with local authorities to ensure compliance with all relevant regulations.
On the day of the event, a OneChocolate team member joined Duux representatives to help navigate the city and assist with interactions in French.
Over one hundred flyers were handed out during the course of the day, leading to a spike in website traffic and numerous inquiries for Duux’s customer service team. Photos and videos captured throughout the event were later shared on social media—providing timely Valentine’s Day content and further extending the campaign’s reach.